JCCAC is a unique factory building turned vertical artist village and arts centre in Hong Kong. Housed in the former government-owned Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate built in 1977, the subsequent conversion and revitalisation project won Medal of the Year from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects of Hong Kong.


JCCAC is where 140 artists and cultural organisations have set up studio or their base. Visitors are welcome to stroll around JCCAC to soak up the artistic atmosphere and explore the unique architecture, visit exhibitions in the Galleries and dotted around quirky spaces in the building, support experimental performances staged by local theatre groups in the weekends, and register online to participate in guided tours and art workshops. There is also a coffee shop, a specialised tea house and an ethno-musical instrument shop where visitors could while away their time in.


JCCAC, short for Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, opened in 2008 and is a self-financed registered charity dedicated to supporting artist development, especially in visual arts.



Opening hours


JCCAC is open to the public from 10am to 10pm daily except during Chinese New Year holiday or by special notice. While no appointment is required for general visiting, visitors are advised to directly check the date and time of specific exhibitions or activities with their presenters or check out about JCCAC's updates at the JCCAC website, social media : (Instagram : jccac_artsvillage / facebook: jccacpage) or by subscribing to JCCAC e-news to avoid disappointment.


Download: JCCAC Annual Report (2022-23)

Download: Download Membership list of JCCAC Governing Board, Programme Development Committee and Tenancy Committee.pdf