L7-22 :Phoebe Hui Studio

時間︰14:00 - 15:30
地點︰L4-03A 活動室
查詢︰earthlingphoebehui@gmail.com(許方華 Phoebe)


本親子藝術工作坊由藝術家許方華策劃,鼓勵父母與孩子利用簡單的工藝材料和電子零件, 共同創造樂器(適合兩人或以上一同探索的樂器,可與其他家庭成員和朋友聯合創造不同聲音),從而探索聲音、心情和物件之間的關係。


適合9 - 11 歲小學生參加*(
* 每位小朋友須由最少一位家長陪同)





即 Check 節目時間表


Exhibition Dates : MAY 8th to JUNE 9th
Opening exhibition : friday 8 may at 6.30 pm
Comix Home Base - Hong Kong, 7 Mallory Street, Wanchai
The exhibition Beyond the Sound, conceived as a dialogue between French and Hong Kong artists, is an invitation to an acoustic journey in the field of creative art by way of various systems: sculpture, installation, video… The notion of listening is central to the context in which the exhibition is incorporated, which is to say the metropolis of Hong Kong, where our ears are constantly bombarded by sounds which, for the most part, escape our attention, and ever rarer places of shared listening. These artists are informed by common concerns whose outlines I shall try to sketch around two huge topologies, the acoustic landscape—the soundscape—and the perceptive experience to which sound invites us, and whose boundaries remain porous.
MAY 11th and 12 th
La musique regardée : Art and Cinema (Screening films)
Hong Kong Art Center, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai
The parallel and shared histories of modern art and contemporary art—with photography, film, video and television—have been forever interwoven, placing art under the camera’s eye, meeting time’s requirements. Here we may recall the extremely relevant encounter between film and art through the documentary film made in 1966 by Brian de Palma about modern art, The Responsive Eye. Preparing a programme of films about contemporary art, understood in its wider context,
involves encounters of subjects, fields, and areas of expression aimed at highlighting the task of art.
From this angle, the encounter between music and film traces an arena rich in unusual works. The films of Pierre Bastien, Charles de Meaux, Romain Kronenberg, Ange Leccia, Valéry Grancher, Dania reymond, Cédric Eymenier and Bernard Joisten attest to the wealth and diversity of film work in France.
MAY 13th and 14th
This symposium is linked to the exhibition Beyond the sound, as well as researches conducted by the Baptist University, Connecting Spaces and Sound Pocket. Sound art is a set of artistic practices that focus on sound and listening culture It can be considered multi-disciplinary by nature.