本周末(9月19及20日)JCCAC手作市集臨時取消 Cancellation of JCCAC Handicraft Fair (19 & 20 September 2015)
受事故影響,中央庭園及L2平台暫未解封,因此原定本周末(9月19日至20日)舉行之「JCCAC手作市集」被迫臨時取消。但與MOViE MOViE Life Is Art「盛夏藝術祭」合辦之活動,將在本中心內其他未受影響的地方照常舉行。我們將個別聯絡今次受影響的檔主及已報名參加「JCCAC手作市集」相關活動的人士,作適當安排。
We regret that due to damage of the Skylight in the early afternoon of 13 September 2015, the whole area beneath the Skylight (including the Central Courtyard and L2 Terrace) has to be cordoned off to allow the contractor to investigate the cause and implement remedial measures.
While the Central Courtyard and L2 Terrace have to be temporary closed off, we regret that the JCCAC Handicraft Fair this weekend (19 and 20 September) has to be cancelled. However, collaborative activities with MOViE MOViE Life is Art, which are held at other locations in JCCAC, will not be affected. We shall individually contact affected stall holders and registered participants of the cancelled JCCAC Handicraft Fair to make appropriate arrangements.
We understand that our decision to cancel  the JCCAC Handicraft Fair this weekend may bring disappointment to many. However, we regretfully have to make this difficult decision while the Central Courtyard and L2 Terrace are temporary closed off. We ask for your kind understanding.
上述節目資料由有關主辦單位提供及負責其內容和準確性。如對本電子通訊內的藝術活動有興趣,請與主辦單位直接聯絡查詢。The programme information above was provided by the relevant programme presenters who are responsible for the information’s content and accuracy. For details and enquiries of the programmes presented in this eDM, please contact the relevant organiser directly.

JCCAC 藝術村 JCCAC Arts Village
香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(852) 2353 1311
