[更正] JCCAC 手作市集(6月份) [Revised] JCCAC Handicraft Fair (June)
感謝閣下申請參加6月份的JCCAC 手作市集!謹通知閣下,成功申請者將於約2015514日(星期四)獲主辦機構以電郵通知,安排繳交參加費及簽署同意書。由於申請眾多,未能成功的申請者,恕不另函通知。如有造成不便,敬請見諒。謝謝!
Thanks for applying for JCCAC Handicraft Fair (June)! Please note that successful applicants will receive confirmation email from the Organiser on around 14 May 2015 (Thursday), and be notified of instructions for participation fee payment and signing of “Stall Hiring Agreement”. Any applicant who has not heard from the Organiser by this date may consider the application unsuccessful. Thank you for your kind understanding.
上述節目資料由有關主辦單位提供及負責其內容和準確性。如對本電子通訊內的藝術活動有興趣,請與主辦單位直接聯絡查詢。The programme information above was provided by the relevant programme presenters who are responsible for the information’s content and accuracy. For details and enquiries of the programmes presented in this eDM, please contact the relevant organiser directly.

JCCAC 藝術村  JCCAC Arts Village
地址 Address︰香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號   30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話 Tel︰ (852) 2353 1311  |  網頁 Website︰www.jccac.org.hk
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