春暖花開綻放文藝氣息,「JCCAC手作市集」於剛過去一個風和日麗的週末(2015年3月21及22日)順利完成。 得到各位手作人和文創藝術愛好者的踴躍支持,場內一片熱鬧文青風。當中的「小確幸」更是見到有手作品牌的忠實支持者,作「早更鳥」於市集開始前已到場排隊,令市集氣氛更加熾熱。除了一些受歡迎的手作品牌,為鼓勵有潛質的新晉,今次市集就有近四成品牌是首次參加的新力軍,當中亦包括通過非牟利社區團體參與的弱勢社群。
  • 6月20及21日(暫定4月中公佈手作人報名方法)
  • 9月19及20日
  • 11月28及29日
JCCAC全名「賽馬會創意藝術中心」,於2008年開幕,以自負盈虧及非牟利機構的模式運作,是一間多元化及對外開放的藝術村兼藝術中心,提供一個給藝術家和藝術團體工作,和讓公眾可近距離接觸藝術的環境。作為藝術村,JCCAC是近140個各類型藝術家和藝術團體的運作基地,當中以視覺藝術為主,也有表演藝術和其他應用藝術。作為藝術中心,JCCAC內有茶藝館、咖啡室、創意工藝店等,另有特色小型展覽分佈各樓層空間,以及正規場地「賽馬會黑盒劇場」和兩層「藝廊」展覽廳。JCCAC成立目的為提供文化藝術創作空間(藝術工作室和展示場地),以協助培育創意人才和推廣創意文化,為支持香港的文化藝術發展出一分力。有關最新節目資料請瀏覽: http://www.jccac.org.hk/

We are delighted to share that the JCCAC Handicraft Fair held over the past weekend (21 & 22 March 2015) was a success, thanks to the handicraft community’s staunch support and the popularity of the event among the public. JCCAC Handicraft Fair features both popular brands and promotes young talents, with new participants (including some NGOs serving the less privileged) accounting for almost 40% of all brands featured this time.
This year (2015) marks the 5th anniversary of the JCCAC Handicraft Fair, which has been held at JCCAC over 20 times since it was first launched in 2010. Also, we are happy to see that in recent years the number and variety of other fairs have grown, allowing both handicraft artisans and the public more choices and opportunities.
The JCCAC Handicraft Fair is not only a competitive platform for handcraft artisans to sell their works, understand the market and find inspiration for their creativity, but is also an opportunity for the public to meet handcraft artisans and appreciate their passion and effort, thus helping to support the development of local creativity. We believe that arts and creativity allow people to connect, share ideas, find common values and build solidarity, thus sowing the seeds for the growth of a civilized society with unique spirit and local identity.
JCCAC is a self-sustaining non-profit organisation promoting arts and culture. During the fair, the public was also encouraged to experience arts through participating in guided tours to artist studios and programmes on the roof terrace, including an alternative free market, a free stage and movie screening under the stars.
JCCAC Handicraft Fair is held quarterly; the other dates in 2015 are:
  • 20 & 21 June (open invitation for handicraft participants to be announced in mid-April)
  • 19 & 20 September
  • 28 & 29 November
Presshere to see photos from the JCCAC Handicraft Fair in March.
JCCAC is the acronym of the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, which opened in 2008 and operates as a self-financed, registered charity. JCCAC is positioned as a multi-disciplinary arts village and arts centre, providing studio facilities for the arts community and a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. As an arts village, JCCAC is the operation base for nearly 140 artists and art organisations pursuing their work in a wide array of art forms, mainly in visual arts but also in performing arts and applied arts. As an arts centre, JCCAC houses a tea house, café, craft shops, two levels of exhibition Galleries and the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre. JCCAC strives to support arts development in Hong Kong by helping to nurture young talents and generally promote arts and culture through the provision of space  (arts studios and display venues) for creative work.
Please view our latest programmes at http://www.jccac.org.hk/
JCCAC 藝術村  JCCAC Arts Village
地址 Address︰香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號   30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話 Tel︰ (852) 2353 1311  |  網頁 Website︰www.jccac.org.hk
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