為配合整個12月份的 JCCAC 藝術節,「JCCAC 手作市集」將於2014年11月29及30日的週末舉辦,並即日起接受申請,歡迎有興趣的手作人申請攤位售賣自家設計或製成的作品。填寫申請表格前請先仔細閱讀有關的「一般須知及條款」,並按以下方法提交申請:
1.     網上申請
2.     下載  並填妥申請表 郵寄或親身遞交 到:九龍白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L1接待處(接待處辦公時間:每日上午10時至晚上7時30分)
如有任何查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內聯絡本中心的項目主任蔡小姐(Milky)(電話:2319 2512/電郵:milky@hkbu.edu.hk)。
“JCCAC Handicraft Fair” will take place over the weekend of 29 & 30 November to precede the “JCCAC Festival 2014” and is now open for applications. Interested artisans are welcome to apply for stalls to sell works of their own design or making. To apply, please carefully read through the relevant “General Terms and Conditions” and submit application by the following methods:
1.     Online application; or
2.     Download and complete the application form for submission by hand or by post to: L1 Front Desk, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon. (Front Desk office hours: 10am to 7:30pm daily)
Submission deadline: 30 October 2014 (Thursday), 7:30pm
For queries, please contact our Programme Officer, Ms. Milky Choi, during office hours (tel: 2319-2152 / email: milky@hkbu.edu.hk).
JCCAC 藝術村  JCCAC Arts Village
地址 Address︰香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號   30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話 Tel︰ (852) 2353 1311
網頁 Website︰www.jccac.org.hk
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